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총 게시물 53건, 최근 0 건
Pennsylvania College of Art & Design 소개
글쓴이 : 최고관… 날짜 : 2015-02-06 (금) 11:13 조회 : 3513

Introducing Pennsylvania College of Art & Design in Lancaster!

www.pcad.edu <http://www.pcad.edu>
"Pennsylvania College of Art and Design (PCA&D) is an accredited,
co-educational, private college offering professional preparation and
bachelors degrees in Digital Media, Fine Art, Graphic Design, Illustration,
and Photography. A small college with an enrollment of 200+ students PCA&D
is located in Lancaster City and has easy access to New York,
Philadelphia, and Washington DC via the AMTRAK national rail system. PCA&D
is the only private, four-year college specializing in the visual arts in
central Pennsylvania.."

- Although most students enroll with us for the complete eight semester (4 academic years) course of study, they also enroll transfers from other colleges and universities.

- They are working with several 2-year community colleges in PA and have developed 2+2 agreements. This agreement allows students to complete the first 2 years of study at the community college, a low cost institution with many support classes for students who may need additional academic preparation, or in the case of international students, additional English language practice and support in adjusting to US educational systems and culture. Once the Associate degree is completed we will accept these students directly into our professional visual arts programs at the upper level. This allows a student to complete the additional Bachelor degree requirements in four semesters (2 academic years) and have top notch professional preparation for careers in graphic design, illustration, photography, or digital media. Our college is also moderately priced. For
comparison, our tuition, currently $10,250 per semester, is approximately half the cost of UArts or Drexel or F&M or just about any private college in their region and possibly the country.

- They are a small college of art and although they do not have an international student population, they have been collaborating with colleges in other countries and have soem international faculty.

- Below is their most recent blog post about cultural exchange program with digital imaging students at Kyungil University -

http://engage.pcad.edu/blog/pcad-photography-program-soi-park-interview?hs_preview=fKB5h5Zf-2304368652#sthash.Ei080F6m.dpuf http://engage.pcad.edu/blog/pcad-photography-program-soi-park-interview?hs_preview=fKB5h5Zf-2304368652


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