Pennsylvania is a manufacturing hub for wind that has significant opportunity to expand its wind installations.
Percentage of Pennsylvania power provided by wind in 2010: 0.8%
Equivalent number of homes Pennsylvania wind farms now power: 180,000
State wind resource: 3,307 MW at 80 meter hub height
According to a resource assessment from the National Renewable Energy Lab, Pennsylvania’s wind resource could provide 6.4 percent of the state’s current electricity needs.
Investment in wind power is an investment in jobs, including jobs in operations and
maintenance, construction, manufacturing and many support sectors. In addition, wind power
projects produce lease payments for landowners and increase the tax base of communities.
• Total direct and indirect jobs supported in 2010: 3,000-4,000
• Annual property tax payments by wind project owners: $1.3 million
• Annual land lease payments: over $2.2 million
Generating wind power creates no emissions and uses virtually no water. The wind power
installed in Pennsylvania will avoid over 1.25 million metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions