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Seoul Hotel & Food 2015 invitation flyer (for PA companies)
글쓴이 : 최고관… 날짜 : 2014-11-28 (금) 16:32 조회 : 3513
SeoulFood_2015Recruitment-3.pdf (166.2K), Down : 21, 2014-11-28 16:32:06

Please see attached for Seoul Hotel & Food 2015 invitation flyer.

Should you have any question, please feel free to contact me.

Ara Cho
Marketing Specialist

Pennsylvania Korea Office
8th Floor Yulchon Building
24-1, Yoido-dong, Youngdeungpo-ku
Seoul 150-877, KOREA
Phone: 82-2-786-7701
Fax: 82-2-786-7704



(07327) 서울시 영등포구 국제금융로 20 율촌빌딩 8층   전화번호 : +82-2-786-7701
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